Tuesday, December 20, 2011

i need to read my thoughts.


fantastic drug.

blacking out

blacking out and bitching out.
ever wake up and various people are mad at you for the night before...
even though you have no idea what happened and no business knowing what happened?

well. to be honest, true champs blackout more then they black in and they manage to not piss everyone off.
say your sober thoughts.
be nice otherwise.
or don't be suprised when you wake up friendless.
also, never eat blacked out.
you've consumed enough calories via liquid happiness.

fight club

i used to worship that movie.
i thought it was the shit.
call me an underdog lover. who cares
but honestly. fuck that
i just realized how sad it is to invent an imaginary friend cooler then you.
thats not okay.
it's not okay to let your pretend friend beat you at your own game.
and if you're the person who blindly follows the man who gets beaten by his pretend friend.
wtf is wrong with you.
good movie.
well made.
excellent plot twist.
but fuck that.

Sunday, September 25, 2011




    • anyone who says having children is the best experience of their life obviously has never seen a vending machine carry vodka in Capri sun pouches.

      Ryan learned the all important lesson tonight; Red Bull gives you wings, Jaeger gives you gravity.

  • September 20

    • i refuse to date, because i'm not investing that much time into a new slampiece

  • Thursday

    • (310):

      When you hit the 45 minute mark of any argument about The Flintstones, you have to realize: it's no longer you arguing, it's the cocaine arguing.


      I think winning the long island race means you lose at life


      Do you think that we can get a group discount on liver transplants? We'll be like kids again!


      She gets me. First thing she said this morning "I'll buy breakfast if you can tell me my name."

  • Thursday

    • (330):

      She was pretty drunk. It was like watching a puppy explore the world for the first time.

  • Thursday

    • (978):

      He came in both my eyes, then refused to give me a towel unless I found him by playing Marco Polo

  • Thursday

    • (262):

      put me on a leash or i'm going to fuck someone